For therapeutic baths we use the Bochnia healing iodine-bromine salt. This salt penetrates the skin during the bath and also penetrates into the blood in a small amount. By acting on the skin receptors, it influences the autonomic nervous system and tissue hormones, causing many local and general reactions, such as reduced sensory and motor nerve excitability, increased blood supply to the skin, normalization of blood pressure, improved cardiac performance, improved blood flow regulation, increased lung ventilation, metabolism stimulation, increased diuresis (urinary excretion), improved immunity and hardening of the body. Therefore, it is often possible to observe a reduction of pain after just a few treatments.
The temperature of the total baths is 36-37° C. The first bath time does not exceed 10-12 minutes, each subsequent one is longer by 2 minutes. The optimal bath time is 15 minutes and the salt concentration in the bath is 3%, children are recommended to use brine at a concentration of around 2%.
- Degenerative disease of the spine and joints,
- post-traumatic diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
- first degree hypertension,
- menopause
- chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma,
- skin diseases, especially psoriasis, prurigo and skin allergies.
- Heart failure,
- coronary artery disease with angina pectoris,
- heart valve defects,
- hyperthyroidism,
- ovarian failure,
- developmental disorders of the reproductive organs.