Classic massage is a set of various manual procedures that work on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, joint capsules and ligaments in a mechanical way, as well as in the form of reflex changes on the circulatory, nervous, endocrine systems to internal organs, inclusive. Massage, the essence of which classic form is the mechanical exertion and release of the grip on the body tissue, is one of the oldest methods of physical therapy.
Therapeutic effect:
Massages are indicated in all the disease states where there is a need to improve skin turgor and trophics, remove skin blood supply disorders, remove venous and lymphatic stasis, accelerate muscles relaxation, regulate their tension, relieve pain, stimulate metabolism, mental stress relief, etc. Mechanical irritation of receptors improves local circulation, accelerates the absorption of exudates and transudates, increases the secretion of endocrine glands.
- disorders of muscle function following muscle or joint diseases, injuries, inactivity
- respiratory muscle dysfunction (eg in some lung diseases)
- rheumatic diseases
- states after musculoskeletal surgeries
- states after injuries
- overloading of the muscles
- edema due to various reasons
- neuralgias, spinal pain syndrome
- metabolic disorders
- chronic heart failure
- atherosclerotic atherosclerosis
- thrombotic and obliterative vasculitis
- insufficiency of lymphatic vessels of the shins
- obesity
- injuries of peripheral nerves
- neuralgias
- long-term rheumatoid arthritis