Dry baths in carbon dioxide CO2 is a procedure based on proper dosing of the lower body with carbonic acid anhydride for people who, due to coexisting diseases, can not enjoy the so-called "Wet" carbonic bath, where there is an additional hydrostatic pressure on the patient. Dry baths in CO₂ do not require removal of outerwear. For people with a disfunction of the motor organs, this treatment may replace wet baths due to the easiness of treatment.
The healing effect of carbon dioxide CO2 is the expansion of capillaries, arterial and venous vessels due to the release of histamine-like bodies and acetylcholine in the skin. The effect of such action of the CO₂ therapy is drop in blood pressure, both normal and increased because od desease pressure. The described process takes place without the participation of an additional thermal factor. Treatments in carbon dioxide gas, i.e. dry treatments are recommended in the case of concomitant cardiological or cerebral vascular diseases, where the use of hydrostatically and thermally charged wet carbonic acid baths is excluded.
After the carbonic acid baths there is general calm, improved well-being, sometimes feelings of laziness and drowsiness.
Indications for the procedure:
- peripheral circulation disorders,
- cardiovascular disease,
- rheumatic diseases,
- burns
- frostbite,
- leg ulcer,
- hypotonia and hypertonia,
- diabetic gangrene (accelerates the healing of open wounds).
- atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels of the heart,
- renal failure and kidney disease,
- acute infectious and non-infectious diseases,
- malignant tumors in the active period,
- pregnancy.