It is a variation of an instrumental massage performed on a bed with a special structure in a lying position. The massaging factor is heated water jets, which move with circular movements under the elastic rubber membrane on which the patient lies. The membrane also serves as a protection for the patient against direct contact with water. Depending on the indications, water jets may move from the feet up to the cervical spine, centrally on the periphery or it may be limited to a selected part of the body mass. Massage of this kind as a result of mechanical and thermal impact of water on massaged tissues, results in a similar effect to classical massage. The healing effects are analogous to the classical therapeutic massage.
- degenerative diseases of joints and spine
- muscle pain due to overload and caused by "bad" posture
- chronic rheumatoid arthritis
- muscular atrophy because of inactivity
- muscle paresis
- muscle tension and cramps
- peripheral circulation disorders
- excessive laxity of the skin tissue
- body overload and stress
- overwork and general fatigue
- states of fatigue after intense physical exercise
- cellulite
- obesity
- skin diseases occurring with purulent lesions and pimples
- incomplete post-traumatic and post-operative wounds
- acute inflammations
- conditions threatening bleeding
- high-grade hypertensive disease
- severe coronary heart disease
- fresh blood clots
- strong varicose veins /back massage can be applied/
- acute Sudeck's atrophy
- early period after fractures, sprains, dislocations
- conditions with high body temperature /over 38oC
- pregnancy /in advanced months/