The pearl bath is made in a tub with mineral water, to which compressed air is applied at a pressure of about 1 atmosphere. Such a bath has a relaxing, calming effect, increasing metabolism and blood circulation. The impact of the bath is intensified by the use during the procedure - chromotherapy, i.e. the influence of colours on the human body. With the start of a gentle massage with compressed air in the bathtub, the additional illumination of the water begins by the light in a warm colour tone, which goes out as the program ends.
Indications for chromotherapy result from the influence of particular colours on our body and so the colour:
Green - has a soothing, calming effect, promotes restoration of mental balance, relieves the effects of stress,
Yellow - increases the sensitivity of the senses,
Orange - gives a sense of security, relieves anxiety and depression, stabilizes the functions of the circulatory system,
Red - strongly stimulating, both intellectually and emotionally,
Blue - calms, relaxes, but does not work soporific. It eliminates emotional fluctuation, promotes concentration,
Violet - stimulates all energetic processes, does not facilitate concentration, promotes creative activities.
- Degenerative diseases of peripheral joints and spine,
- Muscle diseases and diseases of the nervous system,
- Stress
- Neuroses,
- Workaholism,
- Insomnia
- Infectious diseases,
- Inflammation and purulent skin conditions,
- Menstruation, pregnancy